Friday, February 26, 2010

After Class 02/19/10

Today we had a debate over who was the most important Renaissance man. I had Geoffroy Tory and without a doubt in my mind he was the most important figure. It amazed me how many different professions and occupations he not only held but exceeded in. He was a professor, author, poet, printmaker, calligrapher, etc. He revolutionized the French language and made rules about pronunciation. His influence is still felt today by all those who speak French. Aldous Manutius was also an interesting man. He created the first pocket-sized book. This allowed knowledge to be carried with you. It allowed people to leave home, travel, and take ideas with them. Making things smaller has always been useful to humans; cell phones, camcorders, and personal music devices. I think what was most interesting about Ratdolt was the books he created about lunar eclipses. He saw the need for people to have things explained to them to ease their fears. All three of these men were important people because they saw the need to change things. However, I think because of Tory's background he could see the "bigger picture." I think it goes along with the benefits of having a liberal education. You become a "well-rounded" person.

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