Wednesday, February 3, 2010

After Class 02/03/10

Today in class we discussed why it is important to study history. Specifically regarding the field of graphic design it is helpful to those who are entering the field to know about the "greats" who came before them. Those who have "stood the test of time" are worthy of being studied because they are recognized by their peers as significant figures. They have had an impact on the field of design and their influence can be learned from. By learning more about this field, it will help someone decide if this is what they want to go into after college.
We will study design dating back to the earliest cave paintings and track how styles have changed over time. Ending up in our current time we will see if it is possible to predict what will be the next trend. This study of previous designers will impact our own style. The way people choose to communicate their messages and the style they do so is necessary and important it is also interesting to note which designs the public responds positively to.
I think it would be interesting to consider what other factors (social, psychological) influenced the evolution of design and style.

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