Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chapter 1

It is known that our earliest ancestors originated from the Southern part of Africa. The earliest forms of communication we see from them is not considered art but instead a form of necessary visual communication. These people had not constructed an elaborate form of written or verbal language like we have today, but in order for their survival they needed to communicate messages about things that were of important to their survival; mainly food.
Eventually groups of people immigrated north and east into Mesopotamia. This was a fertile area for crops and civilizations flourished. With the congregation of many people, food, and money their needed to be a way to record important information. Along with keeping record writing also was used to explain religious ideas. As civilization changed so did the style of writing and the material it was written on. Gradually pictures were used less to represent information. As civilizations advanced so did writing and more information was able to stored and eventually kept in libraries.
I think it would interesting to study how the effect digital media is having on the written word. Is handwriting becoming worse because people no longer write things by hand?

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