Wednesday, March 3, 2010

After Class 03/01/10

Today in class we discussed further the impact of the Industrial Revolution on design. Most notably is the development of the camera as an important tool in spreading ideas, recording history, and in advertising. The camera was developed by chemists. Also, during this time advertising became much more prevalent. Large colored posters were now common sights. Color became a huge part of design. Books and posters all had vivid colors. Typeface design on posters was large with huge serifs. Although to our eye it might look disorganized and difficult to read, this was the style of the times.
Also in class we made up time lines in order of how writing and design has progressed. My group noted how art began combining words and pictures early on. Hieroglyphics would be the first example of this. Later illuminated manuscripts also achieved this with beautiful results.
I would be curious to know how much one of the first camera's would have cost?

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